Thursday, July 8, 2010

Less Than Six Weeks To Go!

See full size image

I am starting to get a little nervous now as I prepare lists of what should be packed and what should not, but at the same time I am ever more confident that this is the correct direction for me to take. From corresponding with a few of the other invitees in my group I think the feelings are common.

Spanish Level-II is behind me now, but I continue with self study. During Spanish Level-I earlier this winter I was invited to sit in with my professor's husband's Level-III class. The class had dropped to one student and they invited me out of their support for my Peace Corps Mexico quest. It really helped me to progress and is now allowing me to move through the material faster on my own. I so want to improve my language skills so I can be more effective while serving in Mexico.

...less than six weeks to go!


  1. Steve, is that picture of "piece of the Berlin wall" yours? I just blogged about 'changing your life' so your pic is mos appropriate. I LOVE IT!

  2. Thanks Liz, yes I took that photo in London. It's located just outside the British War Museum.

  3. Hi Steve. We are also leaving for PC Mexico and look forward to meeting you at staging in DC. We love your Berlin Wall picture!

    Brian & Kelly Johnson

  4. Wonderful, looking forward to meeting you both!


  5. Hi Mexico PCVs! I look forward to meeting all of you in DC very soon! :) Thanks for staring this blog!
